Substance Records

( (7) | 1 (12) | 2 (16) | 3 (18) | 4 (21) | 5 (10) | 6 (2) | 7 (2) | A (33) | B (23) | C (22) | D (32) | E (13) | F (14) | G (3) | H (6) | I (1) | J (3) | K (4) | L (5) | M (33) | N (26) | O (5) | P (32) | Q (1) | R (2) | S (3) | T (16) | U (2) | V (3) | X (1) | Z (4)
Title Drug Class Year(s) and type of review / ECDD meetings
N-Allylnormorphine opioid 3rd ECDD (1952) - Critical review
N-Allylnormorphine and analogs opioid 4th ECDD (1954) - Critical review
N-Benzylpiperazine stimulant 35th ECDD (2012) - Pre-review, 36th ECDD (2014) - Critical review
N-ethyl-3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine stimulant 22nd ECDD (1985) - Critical review
N-ethylamphetamine stimulant 22nd ECDD (1985) - Critical review
N-Ethylhexedrone stimulant 42nd ECDD (2019) - Critical review
N-ethylnorpentylone stimulant 41st ECDD (2018) - Critical review
N-Ethyltenamfetamine stimulant 26th ECDD (1989) - Critical review
N-Hydroxytenamfetamine stimulant 26th ECDD (1989) - Critical review
N-Methyl-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanamine stimulant 31st ECDD (1999) – Pre-review, 32nd ECDD (2001) - Critical review
Nalbuphine opioid 25th ECDD (1989) - Critical review
Nealbarbital sedative 23rd ECDD (1987) - Critical review
Nicocodine opioid 12th ECDD (1962) - Critical review, 13th ECDD (1964) - Critical review
Nicodicodine opioid 14th ECDD (1965) - Critical review, 15th ECDD (1966) - Critical review, 19th ECDD (1973) - Critical review
Nicodicodine (less than 100mg or 2.5% when compounded) opioid 19th ECDD (1973) - Critical review
Nicomorphine opioid 9th ECDD (1959) - Critical review
Nicotine stimulant 30th ECDD (1998) – Pre-review
Nitrous oxide sedative

46th ECDD (2023) Pre-Review Report

Noracymethadol opioid 12th ECDD (1962) - Critical review, 13th ECDD (1964) - Critical review
Norcodeine opioid 9th ECDD (1959) - Critical review
Norlevorphanol opioid 10th ECDD (1960) - Critical review
Normethadone opioid 7th ECDD (1957) - Critical review
Normethadone preparations opioid 9th ECDD (1959) - Critical review
Normorphine opioid 9th ECDD (1959) - Critical review
Norpethidine opioid 12th ECDD (1962) - Critical review
Norpipanone opioid 13th ECDD (1964) - Critical review