Methamfetamine racemate

Year(s) and type of review / ECDD meetings
Drug Class

Recommendation (from TRS)

ECDD Technical summary
The PPWG’, at its fourth meeting, requested the advice of the Expert Committee on Drug Dependence on the status of the racemate of metamfetamine (chemical name: (1) CAS: (+)-N,α-dimethylbenzeneethanamine; (2) UFA: (+)-N,α-dimethylphenethylamine) under the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971. The drafters of the Convention placed amphetamine (the racemate) and dextroamphetamine (the (+)-isomer) in Schedule II of the 1971 Convention. Subsequently the (—)-isomer was also placed under control. It showed be noted that the earlier INN methamphetamine refers to the (+)-isomer and the racemate was not specifically named in the schedules. This left the control status of the racemate open to possible misinterpretation.

On the basis of the foregoing discussions, the Committee recommends that metamfetamine racemate be specifically controlled under Schedule II of the Convention on Psychotropic Substances, 1971. The Committee noted that WHO had convened a group of experts to discuss chemical and pharmacological specifications of substances for control under the International Conventions. Their report clearly delineated procedures for the future handling of isomers. The Expert Committee recommended that these procedures be initiated in all future reviews of substances being considered for control under the International Conventions.

ECDD Recommendation

Decision deferred