Added to surveillance list by 2nd WG meeting (2017)
Recommendation (from TRS)
Information has been brought to WHO’s attention that MDAI is being misused in a number of Member States. MDAI is clandestinely manufactured and has been identified in seized products. This substance has amphetamine-like effects, associated with abuse and adverse effects. MDAI has structural similarities to MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxy-Nmethylamphetamine) and shares its behavioural properties. MDAI is likely to have similar adverse effects as MDMA; these include anxiety, restlessness, irritability, sleep disturbances, impulsiveness, nausea, sweating, high blood pressure, hyperthermia and dehydration. MDAI has been associated with fatal and non-fatal intoxications. To date, MDAI has not been pre- or critically reviewed by the ECDD. Added to surveillance in 2017. Considered at the 9th WG meeting (2021), where the committee determined that there was insufficient new information to justify a critical review.